About me!

Heya all!

Some stuff about me that you may need to know

I'm called Captain Awesome due to me saying "awesome" one or two many times and also because I'm awesome and always do awesome things, true story. My real name is Dennis if anyone is interested (I know I'm not) and I live in the awesome land called Sweden, and as if that isn't awesome enough I live near our capital city Stockholm! Awesome!

I live a special life.. very special. I suffer from some illnesses that makes my body quite fragile. I get insufferable pain in my body at times and my body even shuts down on me from time to time. My mind is fucked up by all this plus all shit I've been through all these years in my life. This is why I'm special, awesomely special.
Now to make this clear! I do not WANT your pity! I do not NEED your pity! I do not CARE if you pity me!

I have repressed my emotions since I was little making me unable to feel or understand them properly. I am working on this and I hope that I can open the box I locked  away so long ago. Even Captain Awesome is human, every human have feelings, mine just don't work the same way as yours.
I have studied psychology and human behavior and I'm good at reading people. Combining all this with trial and error methods I can see emotions in other people. All my actions and reactions are based on logic, math and past experiences. This is a problem at times as I do tend to upset people with my comments and/or actions.
I don't care about people, nor do I hate them. I simply don't feel anything about them. I do not trust anyone
The exceptions are my friends. Now now I know some of you are thinking "How can a cold heartless douche like him have any friends?" and my answer to you is!!!..... I actually have no idea XD You have to ask them really.
There are a few awesome friends (often referred to as the "Crew of Awesome") who I have real feelings for and I will do anything to keep them happy. I hope you know who you are!
There are a bunch of people I treat good because they either are good friends with the "Crew of Awesome" or if they've been in my life a long time. Some deserves more respect than the rest.
Alright.. the rest of the world.. If you are entertaining and awesome then I will enjoy spending time with you but the second you get boring or annoying I will ignore you and you can fuck off. I guess I treat people like toys in general.

Some things you may need to know are:
- When I get bored I get restless. When I get restless I always start to think about doing something stupid. When I think about doing something stupid I do the stupid thing! When I've done the stupid thing I'm not restless anymore and that makes me happy!
- If anyone asks me anything, I will give an honest answer EVEN if I know it will hurt that persons feelings. I can refuse to give an answer if it's something personal about a friend or if I made a promise not to tell anyone. However I will not lie! So do not ask me questions of which you are not prepared to hear the answer for!
- I cannot break a promise! And why would I? Why would anyone? I see people break their promises all the time but I am not one of them, I will fulfill my promises even if it kills me
- As long as my body allows I will do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want
- Most importantly... I LOVE PEANUTBUTTER!
- And yes... I'm really REALLY awesome.

The info on this page are facts. Nothing more, nothing less. Will add more crap when I feel it's necessary

I do enjoy feedback and discussions so if you have any questions give me a hoot!